Algologische Veröffentlichungen von 1990 bis 1999
66 Tontcheva-Panova, T., Hegewald, E. & Soeder, C.-J., 1990: Occurrence of rarely reported bacteria in mass cultures of Scenedesmus obliquus. - Arch. Hydrobiol. 119: 79-87
67 Reymond, O. L. & Hegewald, E. 1990: Morphology, life cycle and taxonomy in Pachycladella umbrina (Chlorophyceae, Chlorococcales). - Arch. Hydrobiol./Suppl. 82, Algological Studies 58: 15-28
68 Hegewald, E., Hindák, F. & Schnepf, E., 1990: Studies on the genus Scenedesmus Meyen (Chlorophyta, Chlorococcales) from Southern India, with special reference to the cell wall ultrastructure. - Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 99: 1-75 + 135 Tafeln
69 Hegewald, E. & Schnepf, E., 1991: Scenedesmus abundans (Kirchn.) Chod., an older name for Chlorella fusca Shih. et Krauss. - Arch. Protistenk. 139: 133-176
70 Hegewald, E. & Schmidt, A., 1991: Lagerheimia hindakii is not the unicellular stage of a Scenedesmus. - J. Phycol. 27: 555
71 Hegewald, E. & Schmidt, A., 1992: Asterarcys Comas, eine weit verbreitete tropische Grünalgengattung. - Arch. Hydrobiol./Suppl. 94, Algological Studies 66: 25-30
73 Padisák, J. & Hegewald, E. 1992: In memoriam Dr. h.c. Dr. Hortobágyi Tibor (1912-1990). - Bot. Közl. 79: 99-120
72 Schnepf, E. & Hegewald, E. 1993: Didymogenes palatina Schmidle and Didymogenes anomala (G. M. Smith) Hind. (Chlorococcales): taxonomy, ultrastructure, autosporogenesis and autospore wall assembly. - Arch. Protistenk. 143: 41-53
74 Krienitz, L., Hegewald, E., Reymond, O.L. & Peschke, T. 1993: Variability of LM, TEM and SEM characteristics of Pseudogoniochloris tripus gen. et comb. nov. (Xanthophyceae). - Arch. Hydrobiol./Suppl. 97, Algological Studies 69: 67-82
- Hegewald, E. & Tsarenko, P. 1993: Was hemmt das Phytoplanktonwachstum in Bergbaurestseen? - 5. Magdeburger Gewässerschutz-Seminar: Abgrabungsseen- Risiken und Chancen. Programm- und Kurzfassungsheft (Eds.: SCHARF, B. RÖNNICKE, H. & PACKROFF, G.): 36
75 Hegewald, E. & Krienitz, L. 1993: Studies on Scenedesmus costato-granulatus var. elegans (Hortob.) Hegewald et Krienitz comb. et stat. nov. - Arch. Hydrobiol./Suppl. 98, Algological Studies 70: 1-10
76 Hegewald, E. 1993: Studies on Scenedesmus flavescens Chod. (= S. tenuispina Chod.). - Arch. Hydrobiol./Suppl. 100, Algological Studies 71: 1-12
- Hegewald, E.: Progress and problems in Scenedesmus taxonomy: 5-6. In: Ács, É. & Kiss, K.T.: 5th Hungarian Algological Meeting, Mosonmagyaróvár, 21-24 June 1994, Programme and Abstract. ISBN 963 04 4245 0
77 Tsarenko, P. & Hegewald, E. 1994: Variability of Scenedesmus intermedius (Chod.) (Chlorococcales, Chlorophyta) in culture. - Algologia 4: 8-21
78 Hegewald, E. & Yamagishi, T. 1994: Pediastrum asymmetricum Yamagishi et Hegewald, a new species from Japan and some notes on accompanying Pediastrum taxa. - Nova Hedw. 59: 77-95
79 Hegewald, E., Krienitz, L. & Schnepf, E. 1994: Studies on Scenedesmus costato-granulatus Skuja. - Nova Hedwigia 59: 97-127
80 Hegewald, E. & Tsarenko, P. 1995: Was hemmt das Phytoplanktonwachstum in niederrheinischen Bergbaurestseen? - Limnologie aktuell 7: 84-90
81 Yamagishi, T. & Hegewald, E. 1995: Pediastrum asymmetricum Yamag. et Hegew., Scenedesmus carinatus (Lemmermann) Chodat var. carinatus, Scenedesmus carinatus (Lemmermann) Chodat var. diagonalis Shen, Scenedesmus javanensis Chodat, Scenedesmus pannonicus Hortobagyi var. pannonicus, Scenedesmus polydenticulatus Hortobagyi. In: Yamagishi (Ed.): Photomicrographs of freshwater algae 15: 56, 69-73
82a Yamagishi, T. & Hegewald, E. 1996: Scenedesmus perforatus Lemmermann var. perforatus. In: YAMAGISHI, T. & AKIYAMA, M. (Eds): Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae 16: 65
82b Yamagishi, T. & Hegewald, E. 1996: Tetradesmus cumbricus West, G.S. var. apiculatus Korschikoff. In: YAMAGISHI, T. & AKIYAMA, M. (Eds): Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae 16: 82
83 Yamagishi, T. & Hegewald, E. 1996: Scenedesmus maximus (W. et G.S. West) Chodat var. maximus. - In: YAMAGISHI, T. & AKIYAMA, M. (Eds): Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae 17: 72
84 Tsarenko, P., Hegewald, E. & Krienitz, L. 1996: LM and SEM studies on Scenedesmus of Lake Tollense (Baltic Lake District, Germany). - Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl. 116/Algol. Stud. 82: 13-36
85 Krienitz, L. & Hegewald, E. 1996: Über das Vorkommen von wärmeliebenden Blaualgenarten in einem norddeutschen See. - Lauterbornia 26: 55-63.
- Tsarenko, P., Stupina, V.V., Hegewald, E. & Borisova, E.V. 1996: [in Russian with English summary: Morphological variability of species of the genus Scenedesmus Meyen (Chlorophyta) (Literature data review)]. - Algologia 6: 3-14
86 Kneifel, H., Elmendorff, K., Hegewald, E. & Soeder, C.J. 1997: Biotransformation of 1-naphthalene sulfonic acid by the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus. - Arch. Microbiol. 167: 32-37
- Hegewald, E. 1997: Taxonomy and phylogeny of Scenedesmus: 63-88. - In: The Organizing Committee of the Fifteenth Symposium on Plant Biology (Eds.): Algae: Diversity, Environment and Human Affairs. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium on Plant Biology. Pukyong National University, Pusan, Korea. 157 pp. .
88 Hegewald, E. & Hindáková, A. 1997: Variabilität von einer natürlichen Population und von Klonen des Cyclotella ocellata-Komplexes (Bacillariophyceae) aus dem Gallbergweiher, Nordwestdeutschland. - Algological Studies 86: 17-37
89 Hegewald, E. 1997: Actinotaenium habeebense (Irénée Marie) Broock & Williamson. In: YAMAGISHI, T. & AKIYAMA, M. (Eds): Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae 19: 1
90 Hegewald, E. 1997: Scenedesmus ellipticus Corda var. ellipticus. In: YAMAGISHI, T. & AKIYAMA, M. (Eds): Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae 19: 60
91 Hegewald, E. & An, S.S. 1997: Scenedesmus serratus (Corda) Bohlin var. serratus. In: YAMAGISHI, T. & AKIYAMA, M. (Eds): Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae 19: 62
92 Hegewald, E. 1997: Taxonomy and phylogeny of Scenedesmus. - Algae (Korean Journal of Phycology) 12: 235-246 PDF
93 Hegewald, E., An, S.S. & Tsarenko, P. 1998: Revision of Scenedesmus intermedius (Chlorococcales, Chlorophyta). - Algological Studies 88: 67-104
94 Hegewald, E. & Tsarenko, P. 1998: Desmatractum spryii, neu für Deutschland und die Ukraine. - Algological Studies 89: 15-22
- Hegewald, E. 1998: The influence of trace elements and iron on the growth and competition of algae: 10. - In: ŔCS, É & KISS, K.T. (Eds): 9th Hungarian Algological Meeting, Gárdony, 12-15 May 1988, program & abstract, 43 pp.
95 Yamagishi, T. & Hegewald, E. 1998: Scenedesmus curvatocornis Proškina-Lavrenko var. curvatocornis. In: YAMAGISHI, T. & AKIYAMA, M. (Eds): Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae 20: 58
96 Hegewald, E. & An, S.S. 1998: Scenedesmus schnepfii (Chlorophyta, Chlorococcales), a new species and its unicellular strain. - Biologia, Bratislava, 53: 409-424
97 Hegewald, E., An, S.S., Schnepf, E. & Tsarenko, P. 1998: Taxonomy and cell wall ultrastructure of Scenedesmus lunatus (W. et G.S. West) Chod. - Algol. Stud. 91: 11-25
98 Krienitz, L., Kotut, K. & Hegewald, E. 1998: Some interesting coccal green algae (Chlorellales) from the Turkwel Gorge Reservoir, Kenya. - Algol. Stud. 91: 57-69
99 Kiss, K., Klee, R. & Hegewald, E. 1999: Reinvestigation of the original material of Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek (Bacillariophyceae). - Algol. Stud. 93: 39-53
100 An S.S., Friedl, T. & Hegewald, E 1999: Phylogenetic relationships of Scenedesmus and Scenedesmus-like coccoid green algae as inferred from ITS-2 rDNA sequence comparisons. - Plant biology 1: 418-428
101 Hegewald, E. 1999: Polymorphismus und Variabilität in der Grünalgengattung Scenedesmus Meyen, 1829 (Chlorophyta, Chlorococcales). - Courier Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 215:123-128
102 Hegewald, E., Schnepf, E. & Jeon, S.L. 1999: Report on Makinoella tosaensis Okada (Chlorophyta, Oocystaceae), a species new for Korea. - Algae 14(2):87-90
103 An, S.S., Hegewald, E. & Jeon, S.L. 1999: Pediastrum privum (Printz) Hegewald new to Korea. - Algae 14(2):83-85
letzte Änderung 29.12.2012 | Hegewald Eberhard | Impressum