Home/Forschung/Algologie/Publikationen/ab 2000

Algologische Veröffentlichungen ab 2000

104 Hegewald, E. 2000: New combinations in the genus Desmodesmus (Chlorophyceae, Scenedesmaceae). - Algol. Stud. 96: 1-18

105 Schmidt, A & Hegewald, E. 2000: Über das Vorkommen von Aphanocapsa roseana De Bary in Ungarn. - Algol. Stud. 97: 1-9

106 Schnepf, E. & Hegewald, E. 2000: The ultrastructure of Makinoella tosaensis Okada (Chlorophyta, Oocystaceae). - Algol. Stud. 97: 79-91

107 Hegewald, E. & Jeon, S.L. 2000: The coenobial morphology of Pediastrum privum (Printz) Hegewald. - Algol. Stud. 98: 43-48

108 Hepperle, D., Hegewald, E. & Krienitz L. 2000: Phylogenetic position of the Oocystaceae (Chlorophyta). - J. Phycol. 36: 590-595

109 Hegewald, E. & Hanagata, N. 2000: Phylogenetic Studies on Scenedesmaceae (Chlorophyta). - Algol. Stud. 100: 29-49

110 Hegewald, E., Schmidt, A. & E. Schnepf, E. 2001: Revision der lateral bestachelten Desmodesmus-Arten. 1. Desmodesmus subspicatus (Chod.) Hegew. & A. Schmidt - Algol. Stud. 101: 1-26

- Beszteri, B., Ács, É., Kiss, K.T., Makk, J., Hegewald, E., Ector, L., Márialigeti, K. 2001: Caractérisation de diatomées centriques du groupe Cyclotella meneghiniana par approche moléculaire. - 20éme Colloque de l'ADLaF, Anvers (Antwerpen), p 4.

- Beszteri, B., Ács, É., Kiss, K.T., Makk, J., Hegewald, E., Ector, L., Márialigeti, K. 2001: A molecular approach to assessing species limits among centric diatoms. – Abstract book of 12th Hungarian Algological Meeting, Pécs, p 10.

111 Dzhambazov, B., Mladenov, D., Belkinova, D. & Hegewald, E. 2001: Karyotype study of Scenedesmus regularis Svir. and S. pectinatus Meyen (Chlorophyta, Chlorococcales) in clonal cultures in vitro. - Algol. Stud. 101: 121-128

112 Hegewald, E., Stojkovic-Tadic, S., Belkinova, D. & Mladenov, D. 2001: Scenedesmus regularis Svir. (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae), its taxonomy and salt stress response. - Algol. Stud. 102: 147-159

113 Krienitz, L.; Friedl, E.; Hegewald, E.; Hepperle, D.; Huss, V.; Ustinova, I. & Wolf, M. 2001: Concept of families and genera in the coccoid green algae: morphology versus 18S rRNA gene sequences. - Phycologia 40, Supplement: 37

114 Hegewald, E., Hepperle, D., Wolf, M & Krienitz, L. 2001: Phylogenetic placement of Chlorotetraedron incus, C. polymorphum and Polyedriopsis spinulosa (Neochloridaceae, Chlorophyta). - Phycologia 40 (5): 399-402

115 Wolf, M., Buchheim, M., Hepperle, D., Hegewald, E. & Krienitz, L. 2002: Phylogenetic position of the Sphaeropleaceae (Chlorophyta). - Plant Systematics and Evolution 230: 161-171

116 Krienitz, L., Hegewald, E., Hepperle, D. & Wolf, M. 2002: Systematisches Konzept von Familien und Gattungen coccaler Grünalgen: Morphologie versus 18S rRNA-Gen-Sequenzen. - DGL-Tagungsbericht 2001: 585-588.

117 Hegewald, E. & Hanagata, N. 2002: Validation of the new combinations of Coelastrella and Neodesmus and the description of the new subfamily Desmodesmoideae of the Scenedesmaceae (Chlorophyta). - Algol. Stud. 105: 7-9

118 Hegewald, E. Coesel, P.F.M. & Hegewald, P. 2002: A phytoplankton collection from Bali, with the description of a new Desmodesmus species (Chlorophyta, Scenedesmaceae). - Algol. Stud. 105: 51-78.

119 Kiss, K.T., Hegewald, E. and Ács, É. 2002: Cyclotella hispanica a new dimorphic centric diatom species (Bacillariophyceae). - Algol. Stud. 106: 1-16.

120 Hegewald, E. and Schnepf, E. 2002: The Ultrastructure and Taxonomic Placement of Diacanthos belenophorus Korš. (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae, Micractiniaceae). - Constancea 83 (University and Jepson Herbaria, P.C. Silva Festschrift)  Artikel

121 Wolf, M., Hegewald, E., Hepperle, D. & Krienitz, L. 2003: Phylogenetic position of the Golenkiniaceae (Chlorophyta) as inferred from 18S rDNA sequence data. - Biologia, Bratislava, 58: 433-436.

122 Krienitz, L., Hegewald, E., Hepperle, D. & Wolf, M. 2003: The systematics of coccoid green algae: 18S rRNA gene sequence data versus morphology. - Biologia, Bratislava, 58: 437-446.

123 Hegewald, E. & Fehér, G. 2003: Studies on bi- and triradiate isolates of the Staurastrum teliferum-gladiosum complex and their phylogenetic position. - Biologia, Bratislava, 58: 665-670.PDF

Errata: The strain number of Staurastrum teliferum var. biradiatum E. Hegewald et G. Fehér was erronuosly cited throughout the paper, its correct citation has to be: strain Hegewald 1999-63. The strain of Staurastrum teliferum var. biradiatum and  the strain of Staurastrum gladiosum are available from the collection of cultures of conjugates (SVCK) at the Institute for General Botany of the University Hamburg.

124 Hegewald, E & Wolf, M. 2003: Phylogenetic relationships of Scenedesmus and Acutodesmus (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae) as inferred from 18S rDNA and ITS-2 sequence comparisons. - Plant Systematics and Evolution 241: 185-191.  Artikel

125 Krienitz, L., Hegewald, E.. Hepperle, D., Huss, V.A.R., Rohr, T. & Wolf, M. 2004: Phylogenetic relationship of Chlorella and Parachlorella nov. gen. (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae). - Phycologia 43:529-542.

126 Hegewald, E., Schmidt, A., Braband, A. & Tsarenko, P. 2005: Revision of the Desmodesmus (Sphaeropleales, Scenedesmaceae) species with lateral spines. 2. The multi-spined to spineless taxa. - Algol. Stud. 116: 1-38.

127 Buchheim, M. A., Buchheim, J. A., Carlson, T., Braband, A., Hepperle, D., Krienitz, L., Wolf, M. & Hegewald, E. 2005: Phylogeny of the Hydrodictyaceae (Chlorophyceae, Sphaeropleales): Inferences from rDNA Data. - J. Phycol. 41: 1039-1054. Artikel

128 Tsarenko, P., Hegewald, E. & Braband A. 2006 ("2005"): Scenedesmus-like algae of Ukraine. 1. Diversity and rare taxa from water bodies in Volyn Polissia. - Arch. Hydrobiol. 160/Algol. Stud. 118: 1-45.

129 Jeon, S.L. & Hegewald, E. 2006: A revision of the species Desmodesmus perforatus and D. tropicus (Chlorophyta, Chlorococcales, Scenedesmaceae). - Phycologia 45: 567-584.

130 Vanormelingen, P. Hegewald, E., Braband, A., Kitschke, M., Friedl, T., Sabbe, K. & Vyverman, W. 2007: The systematics of a small spineless Desmodesmus species, D. costato-granulatus (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyceae), based on ITS2rDNA sequence analyses and cell wall morphology. - J. Phycol. 43: 378-396.

131 Hegewald, E., Padisák, J. & Friedl, T. 2007: Pseudotetraedriella kamillae: taxonomy and ecology of a new member of the algal class Eustigmatophyceae (Stramenopiles). - Hydrobiologia 586: 107-116.

132 Hegewald, E., Wolf, M., Keller, A., Friedl, T. & Krienitz, L. 2010: ITS2 sequence-structure phylogeny in the Scenedesmaceae with special reference to Coelastrum (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae), including the new genera Comasiella and Pectinodesmus. Phycologia 49: 325-335.

133 Fawley, M. W., Fawley, K. P. & Hegewald, E. 2011: Taxonomy of Desmodesmus serratus (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta) and related taxa on the basis of morphological and DNA sequence data. - Phycologia 50(1): 23-56.

134 Luo, W., Kusber, W.-H., Hegewald, E., Pažoutová, M. & Krienitz, L. 2013: Classification of crucigenoid algae: phylogenetic position of the reinstated genus Lemmermannia, Tetrastrum spp. Crucigenia tetrapedia, and C. lauterbornii (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). - J. Phycol. 49: 329–339. Abstract

135 Hegewald, E., Bock, C, & Krienitz, L.(2013): A phylogenetic study on Scenedesmaceae with the description of a new species of Pectinodesmus and the new genera Verrucodesmus and Chodatodesmus (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae). - Fottea 13: 149-164.Artikel (PDF)  Supplement (PDF)

136 Fawley, M. W., Fawley, K. P. & Hegewald, E. 2013: Desmodesmus baconii (Chlorophyta) a new species with double rows of arcuate spines. - Phycologia 52: 565-572.

137 Hegewald, E. & Braband, A., 2017: Revision of the Desmodesmus subsection Desmodesmus (Scenedesmaceae, Chlorophyta). -  Fottea 17: 191–208. Artikel

In print:


138 Hindák, F., Hegewald, E., Reymond, O. & Friedl, T. & N.N. 2014: Cell wall structure, zoospore formation and taxonomy of Goniochloris sculpta (Eustigmatophyceae)

letzte Änderung 26.12.2017 | | Impressum