Trujillo north of Lima is a little bit out of
the beaten tourist track, but worth to see. It is a city of
universities, shoes and yellow taxis. Beside the pretty centre there
are a lot of historic sites around (Chan Chan, Huaca del Sol and Huaca
de la Luna) and a good archaeological museum in the university. The
city is about 600 km north of Lima, you can reach it by bus or by
Hotel: Portada del Sol, three blocs from the Plaza
major. Nice and good price. Free internet. Unfortunately the hotel
cannot be booked by internet. Address
Nice beach village:
Huanchaco, best known for its Totora-boats (“caballitos”), another
beach is in Buenos Aires, but better skip it. From Trujillo you can
easily go by bus to the mountain region to the city Otuzco. In about
200 km distance is the beautiful city Cajamarca (here is the place
where the Inca was captured and killed)